The premiere of Virtual Guitar Orchestra (VGO) is LIVE! VGO, a global guitar community initiative, was born originally out of an idea to create a new audience development tool for our instrument, and ended up being a necessity to keep the guitar community alive and active during the times of the Covid 19 Pandemic. This inaugural video represents a collaborative effort of 144 people from more than 50 countries, each and every one of them trying their very best to craft a beautiful stone for this mosaic. VGO, founded by Mak Grgic, performs Kaleidokithara, a brilliant composition composed by Sergio Assad for the occasion! It took a massive editing undertaking to make this work, and this was done by the master editor Uros Baric.
In the attempt to create a way to connect all classical guitarists in these tough and uncertain times – everyone from students to amateur guitarists to world class soloists – in doing what we all love most, many heroes of the guitar came together to help the cause. A big shout out to all of the following stars of the guitar:
David Russell
Zoran Dukic
Juan Manuel Cañizares
Rene Izquierdo
Odair Assad
Ana Vidovic
Meng Su
Thomas Viloteau
Elodie Bouny
Elina Chekan
Yamandu Costa
Berta Rojas
Judicaël Perroy
Ricardo Gallen
Uros Baric
Matthew Greif
Pepe Romero
Stephanie Jones
Badi Assad
John Dearman
Aniello Desiderio
Marc Teicholz
Matthew McAllister
Bill Kanengiser
Gaelle Solal
Scott Tennant
Mak Grgic
João Luiz
VGO is also giving back to the community. It is important to recognize those who fight for better tomorrow, so we are raising funds for Doctors Without Borders. Please consider joining this beneficial cause, by donating via the YouTube video of Kaleidokithara!
If you would like to be a part of the next VGO project, don’t hesitate to sign up via to be the first to receive the news of the new project!
Thank you for watching 🙂